Blue Text in Facebook Status and Comments

Blue Text in Facebook Status and comments !

This is the first Article Trick, i hope that you like...

How to make your Facebook status blue:

This is one of the coolest Facebook tricks because it not only makes your status update change color, but it also turns it into a link where does the link lead you ask? It leads to the profile page of the person who clicked it, so you can actually troll your friends with this trick.

Now Its Possible to write in blue colour text in facebook, just follow the below steps:

Step 1:

Write the following line in your status update:

@@[1:[0:1: write here ]]

Step 2:

Replace the write here text with any text you wish to become blue. You can add more text before or after the code, to make this look even cooler.

Step 3:

Post the Facebook status :) 


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